Data at SSNvalidator.com comes from U.S government records that are not restricted by the Privacy Act and other privacy laws. Neither this website nor search results are endorsed by the U.S. government.

SSN Validator performs the following checks:

  • Checks the State of Issuance list to see what state the number was issued in if it was issued before June 25, 2011.
  • Checks to see if the number has been issued as of June 25, 2011, the date of the switch to Randomization.
  • Checks the death masterfile of over 75 million death records to see if the SSN has been reported as belonging to a deceased person. Please note that due to a change in law this site checks death records through March 25, 2014 only.
  • Due to the switch to "Randomization" on June 25, 2011, SSNs issued after this date cannot be verified as having been issued or not. Please click here for further details on SSN Randomization.

If you are an employer looking to verify the SSNs of employees, please visit this official page. Please note this can only be used for very limited purposes to verify the SSNs of current employees.

If your business is looking for official verification of SSNs of non-employees, the U.S. government has a program called Consent Based SSN Verification. This program has a large sign up fee plus a cost per verification but may be of interest to some parties. This option requires the signature of the party being verified on a designated form. More can be read about it here.
